World Architecture Day

  mid century modport townsendport townsend

Happy World Architecture Day! This day is celebrated on the first Monday of every October and was set up by the Union International des Architects in 2005 to “remind the world of its collective responsibility for the future of the human habitat." For more check out World Architecture Day 2013.

I believe part of that responsibility is to maintain and celebrate existing and historic architecture. I wanted to share a few of my favorite images from a recent trip to Port Townsend, Washington. "The official settlement of the city took place on the 24th of April, 1851. Called the "City of Dreams" because of the early speculation that the city would be the largest harbor on the west coast, wealthy and prosperous, somehow though, those early dreams failed to materialize..."-Port Townsend Guide

If you love old buildings, it's a great place to see large number of Victorian era architecture.  My visit to Port Townsend was my first to a small town on the west coast. I found it refreshing that the majority of the old buildings here seem to be embraced by the community with many of the local businesses occupying the historic downtown area.




Friday Five #15
