May Top 10 #theusiscooltoo

May Top 10 #theusiscooltoo

Wow. I'm way overdue for this roundup. The summer has been nuts so far y'all. 

On the Blog

In May, I published two posts: my April update and #theusiscooltoo roundup and my guide to planning the perfect Sour Fest Weekend in Indianapolis, Indiana. If you're into sour beer, I'd highly recommend checking out that festival next spring. The best sour brewers from around the country converge on Indy every spring for Upland's Sour Fest which is always a good time but to make the most of the event, you should just make a weekend of it and explore the Circle City.


At Home

In early May, we celebrated Ryan's graduation and hosted a bunch of his family for a few days. We love playing host and tour guide in town so it was a fun way to kick off the summer.


Mid-month we celebrated my birthday with all of my favorite things in Bloomington. Beers at Upland's Wood Shop, Dinner at Feast, and SUPing on the lake. Pretty perfect if you ask me. 

May Travel

In an effort to manage my day job and the blog, my goal for this year was to keep my traveling down to once a month and so far I've managed to do it! I hate saying no to trips but limiting my travel has made it a lot easier to manage work, home, and freelance projects. So for my one trip in May, we celebrated the beginning of summer with a trip north for Memorial Day Weekend to Lake Erie to stay with Ryan's family at Put in Bay, Ohio. We did lots of hiking, eating, and lounging so stay tuned for more on that trip! 

Put in Bay Ohio

Freelance projects

At the beginning of the year, I was assigned my first piece with Limestone Post, a local online magazine here in Bloomington. This year they created their first print edition and asked me to write about historic preservation in Bloomington and how it's shaped development over the years. It was a fun challenge because it took me back to my grad school days interviewing preservationists and diving into property records. The article is in print only but if you're interested in checking it out click here to get the magazine

May Top 10 #theusiscooltoo

May was an awesome month for #theusiscooltoo hashtag! We've got over 2,000 photos in the gallery now and new people are joining in every day. The goal is to show off how beautiful and interesting traveling in the USA can be so all you have to do is tag your grams. There is so much craziness politically going on in our country, it may seem trivial to talk about travel. One of the best things about travel though is to get out and see and discover something new. I think learning from other places and people is so important now more than ever so I'm going to stick with these photo roundups to hopefully inspire more Americans to get out and explore. Now that Summer is in full swing, I can't wait to see more of y'alls photos from all over the country. Check out my fav photos from May.

Join me for a quick ride through Humboldt National Forest!

A post shared by Kelly | Travel Photography (@forever_orbiting) on

Heading to the mountains so soon. 🌸🏔💖

A post shared by Sarah Christiaansen (@heavybooots) on

Are you traveling this summer? Where are you headed?

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